Blue at the Nine MaidensWelcome to the ELEVENTH edition of Stack News!

Our ‘cover picture’ this year was taken by Jayne in a blizzard at the Nine Maidens stone circle on the moors near The Stack. Those ‘in the know’ will realise that this was taken a while ago as some of the fallen stones have now be re-erected, but we felt that the grey image was somehow a reflection on the year.

2007 started with a trip to Wales for the funeral of Jayne’s cousin Dee. The small country church was candlelit for the service due to an all day power failure caused by storms the previous night. It was a sad occasion – but atmospheric.

January continued with rumours, to be confirmed in February, that there were to be redundancies at Cornwall Wildlife Trust due to funding cuts caused by the forthcoming London Olympic Games that have siphoned off huge sums normally available to charities. After nearly ten years in her post of Website Manager it was a difficult time for Jayne who is now working freelance. So if want any website work done why not contact her?
Very reasonable rates available for Stack News readers – see for more info!

As well as courses in ‘i Media’ and ‘AdWords’ (both website technical stuff!), Jayne has completed training in First Aid and Basic food Hygiene this year. We’ve also been inspected by Environmental Health and now Jayne’s business empire can also encompass sugarcraft .

Blue hasn’t had a wonderful year either!
Unfortunately he’s been a bit of a regular at the vet’s necessitating a general anaesthetic (GA) on several occasions. First he had 13 teeth out. The stitches failed to dissolve and had to be removed under a second GA. He then had a small lump on his left eyelid that had to be surgically removed (GA3). Next he had some swelling on his ‘snozzle’ – antibiotics initially.
Further investigation (GA4) followed by some pretty nasty drugs seems to have killed the ‘bone eating’ fungal infection, but the swelling remains and Blue has been on painkillers since October now having been diagnosed (GA5) as having a nasal tumour.
Blue still seems his normal self, and to be enjoying life, but we are staying within easy reach of his vet.

So Christmas this year we’ll be at The Stack.
We did manage to visit Jayne’s mum in November for an early exchange of presents coupled with a brief stay at Les & Carol’s for the customary lurcher stroking – now enhanced by the arrival of their new puppy Charlie.
Days after getting home, Jayne’s car decided that having completed over 120,000 miles she’d had enough, so ‘the family fleet’ is under review at present – more details in Stack News 12

In accordance with the policy decreed last year, body maintenance issues relating to Roger & Jayne will not be detailed here. Suffice to say that we both consider ourselves fortunate in being basically fine!

Finally, for those followers of the gripping conservatory saga, there is progress to report!
Having got bored waiting for the ‘architect’, Roger drew up the necessary plans and obtained planning consent himself, and went on to construct the rear room virtually unaided apart from the occasional help of the heavy mob – Jayne, plus on the occasion of fitting the doors - friends Brenda and Alec.

Next is the front ‘porch’. This will incorporate the existing raised patio area and is to be basically a square box utilising three eight foot patio doors, two granite pillars and a slate roof. That’s a job for a builder!


So there we have it – another year!!

Watch your letterbox in 12 months time for the next edition of Stack News!


Best wishes for the festive season from:

Roger and   Jayne

PS from Roger

The government will soon make a decision on whether to go ahead with a cull of badgers as a means of controlling bovine TB in England.
You can help - please see enclosed leaflet and

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